Innovative Advertising

20 Innovative Advertising Ideas to grow you Business

How often do you watch television through cable connection?

The majority of us, who are used to the concept of watching a movie or cricket match over TV, are also familiar with the term “advertisements”.

No matter what you are watching through a cable, commercial ads are unavoidable.

Actually, for a person who has often watched commercials and even got inspired by them several times, I can say, these ads play vital roles in marketing and promotion of different brands.

We don’t really see if the brand is worth our attention when we see a commercial. It’s the advertising ideas that overwhelm us and drive sales.

Did you know, that people, who watch cable regularly, are exposed to more than 5000 commercial ads in a day?

Out of 5000, people usually watch only 3% of the ads carefully and engage with only 8% of the ads they see.

Clearly, the competition is high in the market just to create brand awareness.

If you want to promote your brand with the best advertisement, you need to innovate.

Creative advertising ideas can help you come up with new dimensions of brand promotions. Being creative is the only way to beat the competition, stand out in the market, and increase your sales figures.

Innovative advertising ideas for business in 2020

You can make as creative advertising ideas as you want for promotion of your brand.

We have listed 20 such ideas that are ruling the market in 2020. You can choose any of them or mix a few ideas to work as one, but you need to have a strong and responsive content if you want it to be successful.

1. Facebook or Periscope Live Advertising

Users these days are becoming highly active in Periscope and Facebook.

How often do you go live on Facebook or check live updates from your Facebook friends? You will find the live broadcast on Facebook quite often.

Both Periscope and Facebook are nowadays preferred by individuals, small business people, and even companies for their advertising.

This helps them showcasing their corporate culture and also alert people about their brand easily.

2. Promotion on Instagram

Just like Facebook, Instagram is another social media platform where stories are trending among people.

You get to create customized journey stories with Instagram. This type of stories are highly interactive and when you prepare a journey for your customers, it offers a personalized touch.

3. Jingle Advertisements

Jingles, when written rightly, can really get stuck in your head.

It can be quite annoying at times when you can’t get a jingle out of your head. Then it becomes important that you have the product and see what it is all about.

So if you can create a catchy and smart jingle that attracts people, it’s a perfect idea for advertising.

4. Fun Advertisement

Humor is a good way to get attention. How many times have you laughed after seeing a commercial?

It’s again all about impacting with humor as you send a message about your product with your creative mind.

You share a meaningful joke with your potential customers and they remember you for it.

5. Quiz and Emotions – Play the Mind Game

How many times have you solved a quiz that involves your emotions?

It’s strange how our minds work with ego and emotions. Certain observations showed that when you allow a person to talk about themselves or discover themselves they tend to like you more.

Considering this emotion, many companies prepare quizzes or personal surveys to capture people’s emotions and gradually increase their interest in the company.

A common example of such advertising is the “Face App”. They earned their fame by asking a simple question to their audience “How would you look in 50 years?” Naturally, it stirred many young minds and people started getting the app to have a look at their future face.

It’s the curiosity of human nature that got impacted by this advertisement.

Similar to this, there are many quizzes that we come across in our daily lives.

A great example of a quiz can be the one published in The Guardian – “You win or you die! The Hardest Game of Thrones quiz Ever”. This quiz stirred the Game of Thrones fan worldwide.

Everyone wanted to take the quiz and see if they know the show well enough. Surely they found out, but again they helped with the branding of the website.

6. Coupons – Advertising Ideas for Online Market

There was a time when people went to retail stores or approached local vendors for daily use products.

But now, owing to the booming e-commerce market, we prefer online shopping over visiting a store. But the general nature of looking for discounts hasn’t changed yet.

We all enjoy online discount codes and coupons. Flash your advertisement with discount coupons and see the miraculous increase in your sales figures.

You can take this advertising idea to the next level by indulging tourists to book their tickets from you. You can easily sell attraction passes in form of coupon books. This will help in building a new set of customers for you.

7. Advertising Ideas with Celebrity Reference

Considering a celebrity as your brand ambassador has been a common advertising and marketing trend for brands for a long time.

The new trend says, take reference to a celebrity from their famous movies or music videos. Let the celebrities make fun of their moves and rectify with your brand. This will be highly inspiring for your target audiences.

A good example of this can be the Band-Aid advertisement, showcasing a band-aid covered cut finger of the Hulk.

It’s hilarious on one hand on the other sends a clear message that even the strongest needs healing and Band-Aid heals

8. Graphics and Pun

We often use pun-ny jokes in our regular life.

The new advertising trend says, use these puns in a harmless manner to win over the audiences.

How can you make this happen? Use indicative graphics or creatives in your advertisements.

9. Cute Animals Win Hearts

Cute animals sell very well.

We have all seen the rise of major companies like Hutch (presently Vodafone).

They started their brand promotion with the tagline “Wherever you go, our network follows” and had a cute little pug featuring for their commercials.

In no time people fell in love with the puppy and became Hutch customers.

The network grew bolder and changed it’s name to Vodafone, but to this date remember the first advertisement .

That’s how much effective cute animals are when it comes to impacting our minds.

10. Out-of-the-Box Advertising Ideas

Advertising Ideas

We are all used to seeing billboards when we go out on a drive.

But if you can put up a compelling and creative bill board, you can leave your image in minds of mere pedestrians.

Think out-of-the-box to stand out in the crowd. Being unique is the key to capture more attention.

11. Gifting – Where others Do Your Branding

Gifting often works perfectly for spreading brand awareness.

When you give away something really great, people remember you.

But if the item you gifted is worth and useful, they also remember the brand and speak about it to others. Thus, the word spreads across.

12. Street Art Advertising Ideas

Advertising Ideas

Street Art can be very compelling, especially if you are targeting young audiences for your brand. This is a highly creative form of advertising you can think of. This form of advertising is quite famous in the European culture.

This mode of advertising is often called “guerrilla advertising”.

You can try anything for street art depiction of your product starting from graffiti to poster or chalk art.

Sand art is currently selling very well in the market.

If you have managed to design a compelling art, people are sure to stop midway while walking past your creation.

A glace is enough to create an impact on people’s minds.

13. Advertising Ideas with Creative Business Cards

Business Cards play vital role in your branding.

How professional is your business card?

Starting from the font to the color to the size of the words, everything determine the professionalism you showcase with your business card.

Never thought of your business cards like this, have you?

Well, if you haven’t so far, it’s high time you think about how to make your card look more attractive and professional.

You want people to take out your business card when they think of getting certain work done.

There are several factors that you need to keep in mind while making business cards.

14. Short Film and Video Inspirations

It’s not necessary to have a celebrity to promote your brand through videography. You can simply create a short film with a message.

Just keep in mind that you will get a maximum span of 10 seconds to draw attention.

If you have successfully interested people in those 10 seconds, they will watch your short film. if the content of your video is nice, the rest of the work is done there.

15. Instagram Grid Advertising

Why do we use Instagram grids?

The answer is to see bigger images.

Using the grids to have a better focus on the brands is commonly seen among musicians who are trying to promote their albums.

How do grids work in promotion? Grids are great to make individuals as well as conglomerate pictures.

16. Using the Environment for Advertising

Just like the above conservation advertisement, we can capture different moments from our surroundings and use them to create an advertisement.

They are not boring. Rather, these images grab more attention than any other billboards.

If we see something interesting taken from pour surroundings, we look at it twice.

17. Sponsored City Maps

Have you ever bought a city map or picked up from the tourist center of a new city you visited?

What do you generally get on the map?

City maps are generally in form of a brochure. On one side of the map you get the detailed color-coded routes and on the other are promotional advertisements from various brands.

Starting from tourist attraction advertisements to local restaurants to shopping arcades, sponsored city maps are great when it comes to branding.

You get new clients from this. In fact, this is not just putting up ads or brand logo on a map, you also add your discount coupons and compel people to visit.

You will be shocked to see what wonder one map can do. One map works as an exceptional advertising platform for various products and services.

Take the example of New York City Map. If you have procured one from your hotel to the tourist center, you will see apart from the road and subway routing, the map consists of-

  • Hop on Hop off Bus advertisement
  • Broadway Show advertisements
  • Advertisement from Museums
  • Statue of Liberty Boat timing
  • Advertisements from the charter cruises on New York Harbour

So, its one platform to display several products.

18. Show Your Creativity

Advertisements are all about being creative.

There are certain ground rules you need to follow to prepare an advertisement-

  • Be creative while designing the advertisement
  • Choose compelling images
  • Ensure you have relevant or indicative contents
  • Never hurt any emotion while creating an ad

19. The Retro Touch in Advertising Ideas

advertising ideas
Retro Advertising

Reminiscing is a great way to impress people.

We often see advertisements that show scenes from old times. Who doesn’t like to retro-styled hand-painted advertisement? They are anytime cuter than the digitalized versions.

20. Misdirection Advertising

Ever thought of misdirection as a way of advertising? The process is very simple.

Create an advertisement by keeping an attractive and bold image.

The image apparently has no connection with your brand but once people see a compelling image, they are bound to look back and check the entire content.

You play your game there. When they check-out the ad twice, they see your content. It is a way of avoiding the boredom of advertisements.

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Advertising is all about creating an awareness.

Be creative and stay unique to have maximum impact on the audience.

We have discussed different variations of advertising ideas in this article. Choose one that suits your product niche and audience.

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